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Precious Planet

Precious Planet NGO . . . Is a Delhi based Non Profitable Charitable Trust . . . “Striving for the Better World to Live.”

Climate change is real........we are all responsible for it and we all must be part of the Solution too !!

Because the cause of climate change is Man-Made.

As we all know that we all are part of Nature......Nature made us and Earth is the only Planet to live.

But today people have taken it for granted . And they have forgotten their Moral-Duties towards Environment.

We Precious Planet team, see ‘Earth’ as our Mother.......and we felt that it’s our Moral duty that we should aware people about the bad effects of harming Our Mother......Earth......an only home to live.

We believe in small actions......but that gave big impacts .....and every effort counts. SO LETS JOIN HANDS FOR A GREENER WORLD .................LETS SAVE OUR MOTHER.... ‘EARTH’.

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